Mr.莫( Chairman):
Phone:187 9309 3503
Mr.莫(Sales) :
Phone:139 7442 7583
Mr.張(Finance) :
Phone:187 9309 3503
QQ: 498592667
In 2014, the company calls on all employees to pay close attention to product quality, strengthen quality awareness, actively cooperate with the production workshop and development department, strictly control every process, timely find and solve problems, and constantly improve product quality. In June, the company production of modified SOD producing sent to the authority of the third party inspection department analysis and test center, China guangzhou, SOD activity of 10000 U/mg (see wide inspection report number: F201402771a), compared to 2013, and improve product quality, from the Angle of the stability of the product, highly active, and comparison with other similar products in the global market, has obvious competitive advantage!